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Take these 20 pills and call me in the morning

Over 25 years ago a good friend, who is an architect, told me that the role of a professional is to provide their expertise and services without vested interest. As a professional he applied his years of study, expertise and experience to design and deliver outstanding buildings that exceeded the client's expectations. Apart from the creative and technical skill that goes into designing a building, the architect also assumes responsibility for the build. Architects evaluate and appoint the building contractor, oversee the construction process and manage the client’s budget, all for a fixed fee. As an ethical agent of the client there can be no mark-ups, finder’s fees or kickbacks. Only with no vested interest can every decision can be taken without fear or favour.

All professionals are experts in their chosen field and we rely on them to give us nonpartisan authoritative advice. We assume that all doctors, lawyers, actuaries and even the clergy (to mention a few) will advise us of our options with clarity and integrity. If even a hairline crack of self interest appears the glass may soon shatter.

Should a Doctor be compensated for recommending a particular drug? Can a Dietitian sell their own preferred line of supplements? Is it in everyone’s interest for Lawyers to work on a ‘No win no fee’ basis?

If I find myself on the operating table on day, I hope my surgeon isn’t trying to sell me a better heart option.



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